In the Inactive season, preferred lies will be in play in the general area. Mark, lift, clean, and replace within 6 inches, no closer to the hole. In bunkers, players may lift, clean, rake, and REPLACE
In transition seasons (e.g. between course aeration and the end of Match Play qualifying) as course conditions improve, we will play the ball as it lies in bunkers. This will be announced by the tournament coordinators, Rules, or Handicap Committee
May 30 2022 Drop area on #7
The drop area on #7 is NOT in play for our club. If one hits a ball they think might be OB, the only option is to play a provisional from the teebox.
Additionally, there is NO OPTION for a forward, alternate drop on this hole at any time
October 14, 2021 "Leaf" Rule
We are entering that time of year when leaves and other debris may be littering the course. We have a local "leaf rule", that if, by consensus within the foursome, a ball travels into a location in the general area that has heavy ground cover (e.g. leaves) and cannot be found, then a player gets free relief at an agreed location.
The leaf rule may also be applied in a situation where a ball has clearly been seen to enter the general area where there are leaves that do not constitute "heavy" cover. Please be gracious and ask for consensus ruling from your foursome before taking relief in these situations.
October 14, 2021
Relief from casual water, plugged lies, or abnormal course conditions must be taken into consideration first.
As of the 2022 Icebreaker, relief under preferred lies is mark, lift, clean, and place within 6 inches in the general area. A player should mark the location of the ball prior to picking it up. "Bumping" the ball with a club is subject to a 1 stroke penalty for each "bump".
Note that bunkers, teeing areas, penalty areas, and the green of the hole being played, are NOT included in the definition of “General Area”. Proceed under the rules of golf for these four areas.
Casual water, plugged ball, abnormal course conditions, permit relief and are covered separately in the rules of golf. “Preferred Lies” and “Lift Clean and Place” apply to the “General Area” only. There is no relief in penalty areas, other than as allowed by the rules of golf, i.e. unplayable lie, water hazard, lateral water hazard. OB, lost ball, etc. Note UBC golf club has adopted the 2019 rule for OB and lost ball.
Rakes for the bunkers have been removed from the course. This results in bunkers that have many footprints and are generally in poor condition. Until the rakes have been replaced the footprints and the condition of the bunkers can be designated “Abnormal Course Conditions” and relief taken as per Rule 16. Lift, clean, rake and replace ball in the bunkers.
Standing water in bunkers: proceed as allowed under the rules of golf. Nearest point of relief in the bunker and DROP the ball. Once rakes have been reinstated play the ball as it lies, foot prints or otherwise, no relief
(2022- during winter play, bunkers may be raked and the ball cleaned and replaced before playing your shot)
The mulch that has been spread around the trees in parts of the course as a result of the tree trimming and tree removal is part of the course and in play unless it is in a pile format, piled for removal or for spreading at a later date.
In sanctioned tournaments, for any disputes, proceed under the rules of golf, i.e. play two balls and approach the committee for a ruling. Rest of the time have fun.
Jan 17 2019
With the new rules of golf coming into effect, please note that the Weekend Men's Club will be adopting a new alternative to the stroke and distance penalty for balls lost outside of a penalty area or out of bounds. Some events, including but not limited to the University Cup, Senior Championship, and Club Championship will not be using the alternative relief. Please pay attention to communication by email and the event pages when the application of this alternative will be used.
Effective immediately, we are adopting the suggested alternative as outlined in the link at the bottom of this page. This alternative may be used on all holes of the golf course. Please have patience with players as we learn to play with this new rule.
- a player always has the option of playing under stroke and distance,
- once a provisional ball has been played from the teeing ground, the alternative can no longer be applied.
May 10 2018: Preferred Lies Clarifications
Normally, preferred lies is exercised in closely mown areas, but during the winter months we extend that to the general area. The course conditions are usually poor enough that a player should be able to find a spot within a club's length to place their ball. Of course, free relief from casual water should be taken into account first.
Clarification #1: when taking the club length, you may not change the cut in which you find your ball. This means that you cannot change the type of surface on which the ball sits. That is, you cannot change from the rough to the fairway, fairway to the rough, or any surface onto a cart path.
Clarification #2: under preferred lies (winter), one may rake the bunkers prior to replacing the ball
Clarification #3: when playing LCP, do not "bump" the ball with your club. You get one chance to place the ball. Once your hand is off, your ball is in play
Clarification #4: "Leaf Rule". During the fall and early winter, there are many locations around the course heavily carpeted by leaves. If, by consensus in your group and without evidence to the contrary, a ball travels into and is lost in one of these areas, a ball may be substituted with no penalty at the point where the ball is deemed to be. This is only applicable to balls lost in the general area, outside of a hazard.
March 19 2017 (restatement)
Players must take relief without penalty from any flower bed on the course. Relief is taken at the nearest point to where the ball lies, no closer to the flag. Player must drop the ball within one club length, no closer to the hole than where the ball originally lay. The ball must stay within the area of relief. The point of first impact must be outside the flower bed.
No other relief (e.g. from a tree or cart path) is given in the dropping of the ball. Make the first drop, and then take relief as appropriate from the new situation.
2014: Netting Rules
There has been a considerable amount of discussion concerning the netting on holes #10 and #14, and what to do if one finds oneself behind or impeded by it.
The netting is considered an immovable obstruction of three dimensions. The rearward and most forward limit of the netting extends towards out of bounds (the inside edge of the fencepost) that bound the course along those stretches.
Players will be entitled to free relief from the obstruction if their ball is found IN PLAY, between the netting and the out of bounds line. Whether or not the ball is playable has no bearing on whether the player has free relief.
Procedure when you have hit a ball that travels towards the netting and you are unsure if it has remained in play:
1. Declare and play a provisional ball from the tee. Continue to play the provisional ball until you reach the point your ball is most likely to be.
2. If safe, have someone from the group look for the first ball while you play the provisional
3. If you find your ball (3 minute search, maximum, from the time the player starts looking for the ball) in the area defined above:
a. bring your ball out laterally towards the fairway.
b. Using the club you intend to use for your next shot, determine your point of nearest relief no closer to the hole, such that there is no interference of your lie, stance, or swing by the netting, posts, or guy wires. Mark the point where the hosel of your club is on the ground. Your relief area (*) is an arc defined by one club length no closer to the hole, with the mark being the pivot point.
* See Rule 16 of the rules of golf:
c. You then get one club length relief, no closer to the hole. Drop a ball from knee height. The ball must stay within the relief area previously described.
If you do not find your ball within your 3 minute limit, continue playing your provisional ball under the penalty of stroke and distance (three off the tee)
You are NOT entitled to free relief due to line of sight interference from the netting, posts, or guy wires if your ball is outside the area defined above
Keep in mind that you are only getting relief from the netting. You are not entitled to relief from any other condition (e.g. trees). This is true of any immovable obstruction.